TedXCU Stage Set Up

2022 Conference Stage Decor | Mixed Media Craftsmanship | 2022

About the Project

I collaborated with an independent study professor of mine to build the stage set up for the 2022 TedXCU conference. The theme of this year’s event was “Breaking Boundaries”, and we fabricated stage decor to fit with that concept. While my professor lead the concepting and initial design phase of the project, I contributed to the fabrication of each element displayed on stage. This included laser cutting paper and foam core, assembling and spray painting the cones & arrows, creating a “floating” dashed line from paracord, cardboard & duct tape, and spray painting bamboo slats and subsequently bending them & adhering them together with wire to create the final spherical forms. I then attended the install day and participated in the assembly and rigging of all elements using the cable system and stage weights Macky Auditorium to finalize the display for the conference.

Final Stage Set Up

Documentation of Project Flow


Crafting Process

Timelapse of the cone fabrication process. The cone shapes were laser cut from a template. The cones were then glued together into their final 3D shape.

Timelapse of part of the arrow strand assembly. The foam core arrows were pierced with a copper rod and paracord was fed through them. Zipties were placed on either side of the arrow to hold each one in place on the full strand.


Timelapse of the final stage set up install. This video shows the adjustment process we went through to ensure all the strands hung at the correct angles to achieve the intended apperance.