The Butterfly Effect

Paper Sculpture Diptych | Laser Cutting & Mixed Media Craftsmanship | 2022

About the Project

"The Butterfly Effect" is a 3D paper sculpture project inspired by the butterfly effect from chaos theory. In the final semester of my college career, I became very interested in this theory and its applications as a mindset to live within. The concept really resonated with me as I reflected back upon my life thus far and considered what was next after my graduation. The dimensionality and design of my sculpture piece strive to communicate the idea that the slightest shift in starting position can cause significantly differing end results. More personally, it represents the fact that every step I have taken thus far in my life has lead me to the exact place that I am at today - physically, mentally and spiritually.

These paper sculptures were the finished product of a semester-long independent study. I started the process with research on the butterfly effect theory, and then many weeks of brainstorming & sketching to determine how to visually convey my message in the final piece. After selecting paper sculpture as my medium, I performed a material study to ensure the medium & techniques would be feasible when scaled up in the final iteration of the sculptures. Once I deemed the study successful, I finalized my designs & prepared them for laser cutting. I laser cut all 18 layers of the sculptures from 18”x24” paper, and then finished all the cut outs by spray painting the front and back of each layer. I then assembled the two sculptures separately. For the negative forms, I layered the sheets of paper in order, adhering them together with many squares of foam tape to provide some dimensionality to the piece and to slightly annunciate the gaps between each layer. For the positive forms, I utilized arched copper wire throughout the piece to create the half-moon, 3D impact I was going for.

“The Butterfly Effect” was accepted into the 2022 ATLAS Expo at CU Boulder, and was showcased at the event on April 29th, 2022.

Final Sculptures

Documentation of Project Flow


Material Studies

Final Design Mockups

Fabrication Process

Video of one layer of the sculptures in the process of being laser cut.

Timelapse of the beginning of the assembly of the negative form sculpture. I adhered each layer onto the last with many squares of foam tape in order to achieve the depth and dimension I intended.

Final Sculptures at the 2022 ATLAS Expo